In defense of human rights!

According to the data of the Ministry of the Interior, every fourth woman in Bulgaria is a victim of domestic violence.

Legal representation
National Representation in Cases of Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence and Human Trafficking. International legal representation of victims of gender-based violence.
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Psychological consultations
Psychological support for victims of domestic violence and gender-based violence with a focus on women and girls.
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Domestic Violence Protection Programs
Specialized programs to support victims of domestic and gender-based violence with a focus on women and girls.
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В защита на правата на човека

Training on the topic: "Protecting the rights of women and young girls from gender-based crimes - domestic violence"

Training was held for experts on the subject of gender-based crimes in the city of Pazardzhik. The meeting was organized within the framework of the project

Project "In Defense of Human Rights".

Place: Pazardzhik, Hebar Hall of the Hebar Hotel

Date: 12.10.2022, from 9.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Organizer: "Crime Prevention Fund - IGA" Foundation

Guest speakers: Expert of the "Gender Alternatives" Foundation - Plovdiv, expert of the "Association Animus" Foundation - Sofia, expert of the "Bulgarian Lawyers for Human Rights" Foundation - Sofia and expert of the Prevention FUND of crime - IGA" - Pazardzhik

Some of the topics that were discussed:


Domestic clothing - Introduction - concept, definition, international and national legal framework, practice.

"DA" Foundation - Plovdiv and "Bulgarian Lawyers for Human Rights" Foundation - Sofia

Psychological trauma and victim experiences. Victim needs.

Animus Association Foundation - Sofia


Risk assessment - risk and risk factors.

Animus Association Foundation - Sofia

Trauma recovery.

Animus Association Foundation - Sofia

Multidisciplinary work and interaction of institutions.

"Crime Prevention FUND - IGA" Foundation, Pazardzhik


Coordination between institutions.

"Crime Prevention FUND - IGA" Foundation, Pazardzhik

Upcoming changes to the Protection from Domestic Violence Act and the Criminal Code.

"DA" Foundation - Plovdiv



Victim support program:

The specialized program for the support of victims of domestic violence and gender-based violence, with a focus on women and girls of Roma origin, and Preventive work with youth are the main objectives of the current project. It is building on the previous initiatives of the organizations in the team because of its focus on working with young people, the innovative element of the mentioned new activities.

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For the project

"The project "In defense of human rights!" No. ACF/707 is implemented with financial support in the amount of EUR 154 thousand provided by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Financial Mechanism. The main goal of the project "In defense of human rights!" is improving the implementation of international standards for the protection of human rights, conducting campaigns to raise awareness of human rights, incl. by involving young people, as well as providing legal aid and counseling for victims of discrimination and human rights violations.



"This document was created with the financial support of the Active Citizens Bulgaria Fund under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area. All responsibility for the content of the document is borne by the DA Foundation and the consortium of organizations on the project - Animus Association Foundation, Bulgarian Lawyers for Human Rights Foundation, Crime Prevention Fund IGA FUND - and under no circumstances it can be assumed that this document reflects the official opinion of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the Operator of the Active Citizens Bulgaria Fund.


To contact us:

Counseling center for victims of domestic violence:
0879 26 01 01

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